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Sick cats in Maspalomas Lago

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Sick cats in Maspalomas Lago Empty Sick cats in Maspalomas Lago

Mensaje  yulius Sáb Sep 14, 2013 2:04 pm


on the beginning, we apologize for all language mistakes, putting message in wrong place, etc. but we don't know Spanish at all.

We are tourists from Poland, we are staying in bungalows in Maspalomas (named "Maspalomas Lago") and we found sick cats. Here are lots of cats, two of them are almost all the time spending on our patio. They are always together and they are 4-5 months-old (maybe little less). They are peaceful, look tamed and allow to stroke. One of this cats has sick eyes (probably cats catarrh) and second one coughs (but looks fine). This one with sick eyes is also sleeping all the time from yesterday and doesn't eat too much (we bought a big pack purina friskies for them). We want take them to a veterinarian (vet) but we don't know any on Gran Canaria. We have some experience with helping cats (we do this in Cracow, Poland) so we know that we need an animal-friendly vet (also not too expensive). We are leaving Gran Canaria on early monday 16.09 morning so we need (these two cats need) your help in continuing the cats' treatment.  

To summarize:
1) can you help us in finding a good vet (best would be near Maspalomas)? We found some vets in Internet but we don't know which one is good
2) can anyone help us in continuing the treatment after our leaving on Monday 16.09?

Our Spanish number is: +34 664 012 627.

Goska and Jacek


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 14/09/2013

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